Serym pro
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Our medical staff will make sure you know exactly what you get before we make any of our CBD products or recommended products available to the public, they go through rigorous testing and analysis. In line with our commitment to full transparency, we can send the test analysis reports for our products to interested customers at anytime. If you have any doubts about our products, request a report here. You get FREE shipping and a full 30-day money back guarantee on all Serym Pro products. On top of that a fraction of your purchase will go to our non-profit organization to help local children and families in need.
To guarantee the quality and safety of our products, we only use hemp plants grown, harvested, and processed fully here in the US.
The plant breeds used for our products has a very low natural THC content, way below the 0.3% that is allowed by law. Instead, the hemp our products are extracted from is rich on beneficial cannabinoids like CBD, which makes them ideal for wellness products.
To completely eliminate any risk of addictive or psychoactive side-effects, the harvested plant parts goes through a tedious extraction process to remove all traces of THC.