Marketing management must make five important decisions in developing an advertising program. These decisions will be listed and discussed here in this writing.
Objectives Setting:
The first step in developing an advertising program is to set the advertising objectives. These objectives must flow from prior decisions an the target market,marketing positioning,and marketing mix. The marketing positioning and mix strategy defines the job that advertising must do in the total marketing program. Many specific communication and sales objectives can be assigned to advertising. Advertising objectives can be classified as to whether their aim is to inform persuade, or remind.
Informative advertising figures heavily in the pioneering stage of a product category,where the objective is to build primary demand. Persuasive advertising becomes important in the competitive stage,where a company’s objective is to build selective demand. Some persuasive advertising has moved into the category of comparison advertising,which seeks to establish the superiority of one brand by comparing it directly or indirectly to one or more other brands of product.
Possible Advertising objectives: Their are many possible Advertising objectives. One it could be money. others could be just to make it a better advertising.
To inform: Telling the market about a new product
Suggesting new uses for a product.
Informing the market of a price change.
Explaining how the product works.
Describing available services
Correcting false impressions
Reducing consumer’ fears
Building a company image
To persuade:
Building brand preference
Encouraging switching to your brand
Changing customer’s perception of product attributes
Persuading customer to purchase now
persuading customer to receive a sales call
To remind:
Reminding consumers that a the product may be needed in the near future
Reminding them where to buy it
Keeping it in their minds during off seasons
Maintaining it top of mind awareness
Reminder advertising is highly important in the mature stage to keep the consumer thinking about the product.
Budget Decision: After determining advertising objectives, the company can proceed to establish its advertising budget for each product. The company wants to spend the amount required to achieve the sales goal.
Message Decision: Given the advertising objectives and budget,management has to develop a creative strategy. Advertisers go through three steps: Message generation,message evaluation and selection and message execution.
Message Generation: Creative people use different methods to generate advertising ideals to carry out the advertising objectives. Many creative people proceed inductively by talking to consumers, dealers, experts and competitors. Some creative people use a deductive framework for generation advertising messages. Crossing the four types of rewards with the three types of experience generates twelve types of advertising messages.
Message Evaluation and selection:
The advertiser needs to evaluate the possible messages. The message must first say something desirable or interesting about the product. The message must also say something exclusiveness or distinctive that does not apply to other brands in the product category. Finally, the message must be believable. Believability may be hard to achieve cause many customers are skeptical about the truth of advertising in general.
Message Execution:
The message’s impact depends not only on what is said, but also on how it is said. Message executive can be decisive for products that are highly similar, such as detergents, coffee and so on. The advertiser has to put the message across in a way that wins the target audience’s attention and interest. The advertiser usually prepares a copy strategy statement describing the objective ,content support, and tone of the desired ad. Creative people must now find a style ,tone,words, and format for executing the message. The communicator must also choose an appropriate tone for the ad. Memorable and attention getting words must be found. Creativity is especially required for headlines. There are six basic types of headlines: News, Questions, Command, How, What, Why, Format elements such as ad size,color, and illustration will make a difference in an ad’s impact as well as cost. Larger size ads gain more attention, through not necessarily by as much as their difference in cost. Four color illustrations instead of black and white increase and ad effectiveness and ad cost.
Media Decision: The advertiser’s next task is to choose advertising media to carry the advertising message.
The steps:
1. Deciding on reach,frequency,and impact;
2. Choosing among major media types
3. Selection specific media vehicles
4. Deciding on media timing
Deciding on Reach, Frequency, and Impact:
In order to select media, the advertiser must determine the desired reach,frequency , and impact needed to achieve the advertising objectives.
1. Reach.
The advertiser must decide how many persons in the target audience should be exposed to the ad campaign during the specified period of time.
2. Frequency:
The advertiser must also decide how many times the average person in the target audience should be exposed to the message during the specified time period
3. Impact
The advertiser must also decide on the impact that the exposure should have messages on television typically have more impact than messages on radio because television combines sight and sound not just sound.
Choosing Among Major Media Types:
The media planner has to know the capacity of the major media types to deliver reach,frequency, and impact.
1. Target audience media habits. Example radio, T.V., are the most effective media for reaching teenagers.
2. Product. Women ‘s dresses are best shown in color magazines, and Cameras are best demonstrated on T.V.
3. Message, A message announcing a major sale tomorrow will require radio or newspapers. A message containing a great deal of technical data might require specialized magazines or mailings.
4. Cost. Television is very expensive, while newspaper advertising is inexpensive. What counts is the cost per thousand exposures rather than the total cost. Given the media characteristics, the media planner must decide how to allocate the budget to the major media types.
Selection Specific Media Vehicles
The media planner now chooses the specific media vehicles that will be most cost effective. The media planner turns to several volumes published by Standard Rate and Data that provide circulation and costs for different ads sizes,color options, ad positions, and quantities of insertions in different women’s magazines. The media planner evaluates the magazines on qualitative characteristics such as credibility,prestige,geographic editioning,occupational editioning, reproduction quality,editorial climate, lead time and psychological impact. The media planner decides which specific vehicles deliver the best reach,k frequency, and impact fore the money.
Deciding on Media Timing
The advertiser has to decide how to schedule the advertising over the year in relation to seasonality and expected economic developments,Suppose sales of a particular product peak in December and wane in March. The seller has options. The advertiser also has to choose between ad continuity and ad using Continuity is achieved by scheduling exposures evenly within a given period . Pulsing refers to scheduling exposures in evenly over the same time period.
New Advertising Media
New communications technologies developed during the past several years have spawned a variety of new electronic media. The use of these new media has grown dramatically, specially by direct marketers and other s trying to reach special target segments. You can also visit this site for more information on Advertising. Lots of articles here.
Advertising Evaluation:
The advertising program needs to be evaluated continuously. Research use several techniques to measure the communication and sales effect of advertising
Communication Effect Research
Communication effect research seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively. One is called copy testing. It can occur before an ad is put into actual media and after it is printed or broadcast.
Their are three major methods of ad pretesting.
1. Direct ratings
2. Portfolio test
3. Laboratory test
There are two popular methods of ad post testing:
1. Recall tests
2. Recognition test
Sale Effect Research
Communication effect research helps advertisers assess the communication effects on an ad,but reveals little about it sales impact.
Advertising Decisions and Public Policy
Companies must avoid deception or discrimination in their use of advertising. Here are the major issues:
False Advertising
Deceptive advertising
Bait and switch advertising
Promotional allowances and services
Sale Promotion
Sales promotion consists of a wide variety of promotional tools designed to stimulate earlier or stronger market response. Sales promotion tools are used by most organizations, including manufacturing. Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion,particularly in consumer markets. An important issue for marketers is how to drive the budget between sales promotion and advertising companies use ratios of anywhere from 20-80 to 80-20. Some sales promotion tools are “consumer franchise building” they impart a selling message along with the deal , as in the case of fee samples,coupons when they are included in the selling message.
Major Decisions in Sales Promotion
In using sales promotion a company must establish the objectives: select the tools develop the program; pretest,implement,and control it; and evaluate the results.
Establishing the Sales Promotion Objectives
Sales promotion objectives are derived from basic marketing communication objectives, which are derived from more basic marketing objectives developed for the product. The objectives set for sales promotion will vary with the type of target market. For consumers, objectives include encouraging more usage and purchase of larger size units,building trial among nonusers, and attracting competitors’ brand user. For retailers, objectives include inducing the retailer to carry new items and higher levels of inventory, encouraging off season buying.
Selecting the Sales Promotion Tools
Many tools are available to accomplish the sales promotion objectives. The promotion planner should take into account the type of m arket ,sales promotion objectives , competitive conditions, and cost effectiveness of each tool.
Some tools:
Samples, Coupons,Price packs,Premiums and trading Stamps.
Their are many other that can be mention here in this article but going into all the tools that can be used will take a long discussion and many hours of good research but to mention a few and the close.
1. Contest
2. Sweepstakes
4 Publicity
so i will close with that and i hope you have enjoyed reading the objectives of advertising.
J Hand
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