You need to make sure your product is a good fit for the market you’re going after. Every marketing plan should start with a few specific, measurable, actionable goals. What are your goals? Setting Objectives. A marketing objective is a specific and measurable goal. Set reasonable goals. A marketing-plan provides an over all direction. Some of the plans can be short term and some can be the longer term. You need to do some research on what your going to market and then set a plan in place. Do a search on the web for businesses or the product your planning to market and see what comes up. See what your potential customers are doing. Then, treat yourself like a customer, visit those websites and compare them to yours. How do you compare? Would you buy from yourself? What would you do different from them? If you make the changes to suit your plan then you can go out and promote.
1. Your Targeted Market. Who are you marketing to? First define it. Make it simple and to the point no more than a small paragraph the simpler the better for the marketing. Most professional marketing-plan specialist recommend describing your target customer in detail. Don’t try to please everybody. Instead, select a target group. Their has to be a specific kind of buyers who have the right set of needs that you are targeting. Make a Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint for what you want. An example (Older people, Women, Men, Ethnic groups).
2. Key Selling Points. Once you have given your plan the proper thought and commitment your ready now to focus on what your points are. Never forget that your prime purpose is to obtain maximum profits. Remember that profits are very different from sales. Profits will be obtained if you clearly keep list your goals and key selling points. Their are a lot of different selling points . Keep them simple and to the point.
3. The Media. You now have to consider how and which media source your going to use. You may need to have a meeting to discussion which type of media. With social media today you can not over look it. Social media and content marketing these days are prime sources. but used to be advertising budgets, placement, and others sources. Content marketing is still a growing but i am more interested in taking steps beyond just content marketing, You have to distributed marketing in many different aspect today and that mean real engagement. That means something more than just print it or post it on the web and hope for the best.
Think about this topic, because their are many different way now to market your product. Think about where your potential customers will see your message. Such as the web, social media,tweeter, Facebook, and etc. Where is your targeted market? What else do you have to do to reach the right people to find your message? You may have to change your Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint, to meet the market needs.The market is constantly changing. New prospects, new lifestyles in the market place.
Track what they say about it and make changes? When you stop marketing or advertising your product, you will miss evolving opportunities and not reach your goals. Remember people forget fast. They are busy with their lifestyle and families and are bashed with all the social media today. You have to learn to use it cause it is the norm today. Searching the web and find a good social media site or find a site who has free advertising or marking your product. One i do recommend is it is totally free and that could be a starting point of your Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint.
4. Product, Place, Pricing, Promotion. The four (p’s) are used in most all of marketing plans. You will have to determined what product, your going to use.
Product: After you have done your research and know what product you can now move to the next.
Place: Where is your physical location? If this is a retail business then that solves the question if not you could be a distributor, then how are getting your product to the right customer? This need to be answered.
Pricing: You have to make pricing match product or service, market, or media. Price is a decision you make on both tangible and intangible factors. Somewhere in between or what the traffic will bear. Don’t assume that the lowest price wins. Pricing is your most important marketing message. You have to consider how does pricing affect your business and image. Your price needs to matched with your product offering and your target market. Under pricing your service when you wish to be precede as prestigious can be disastrous marketing strategy. And if your strategy is selling a lowest price product or service, make sure that matches the rest of your marketing plan and product.
Promotion: Your promotion decision is the fourth (p) which is how are you going to reach your customers. That can be done in many ways. After you have done your market research you will have to decide on what market to use. (Examples) It can be Print advertising, broadcast, or publicity or the web what every you choose.
5. Media Outlets. Here you have the age old adage which media outlet do i use. First you need to know which and what you are. Distribution.retail,direct retail. Once you know then you can select the direction you need to go. Today the web and the telephone is use. Today’s phone is not only a phone but a computer and can be used as such. Today market has changed and the telephone is the most widely use. If you use the web then you face another marketing problem.
That is traffic to your product. If the web is used you will be like most other looking for traffic in one way or the other. Television is another way but cost is something you will have to consider their. Look at all your outlets some i have not mention here. Search the internet for sites that offer Free marketing or advertising. One such site is all ads are free on that site. Make an outline of your marketing program cause it will be the Blueprint of the plan.
6. Promotion. Today promotion is as simple as joining some of the social media site such as Face books. YouTube, Twitter, and others. You might consider email marketing, television, Radio, advertising, affiliate sites, public relations, word of mouth, price promotion, and events. You will have to consider all outlets for your promotion. Find your niche and work it hard to gain all you can from it.
7. Tasks and major milestones. Every good Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint plan requires some specific tasks and major milestones to make it concrete. Otherwise it’s just theory. You need to be able to track progress against the plan. Milestones help us get things done. We work towards goals.
8. Numbers. It takes numbers to make the Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint actually work. That might be outside sales or walk in sales, It could be from the web traffic or store traffic, many factors that count. but leads, presentations, sale meeting, conversions, tweets, posts, likes, follows, or whatever. But it must be in a form that you can keep numbers or track what is going on. If you don’t know where it is coming from then your at a lost as to where.
9. Every revolving schedule. Keep your plan as short and to the point so your goals can be reached, Also keep your long range goals in tact. Make a lists and keep notes and files , because it’s only good for a few weeks before it needs revision. The world keeps revolving . Plan ahead for a short and long terms meeting to review results and revise or change the plan.
10. Marketing-Plan-Outline-Blueprint. Now we are down to the Money. What are you willing to send on your marketing-plan. Your the one who has to spend the money and manage the plan. You need to know what it is going to cost you to have a plan in place and working. That is why i mention above testing and trying the web for free Advertising and Marketing. I mention about a great site to start. Something free is not a cost to your plan. When you have finally made a decision on the plan the make sure you have all the expense and cost.
This was written by Joe Hand and can not be modified at any time .All rights are copyright.