Advertising is the key part of business marketing.
Advertising is the key part of business marketing.
Advertising is the key part of business marketing. If the advertisement succeeds, it can mean big profit. Ads requires innovative thinking in today’s world because the traditional advertising mediums are becoming very expensive. A well thought advertising that is different may create a big impact. But ads not being given the attention it deserves. As soon as the profits go down or the market scenario looks bad, ads expenditures are cut first. How much do you know about advertising in a business? Please quiz yourself about that. What should be the ideal percentage of advertising in total marketing expenditure?
Should the ad expenditure increase with growing business or decrease?
What kind of advertisement should a company use?
Which ads media should be used for advertising in a very low budget?
Should every business advertise in the beginning?
What sector of the market are you specific in ?
Are advertising professionals must for getting the best return out of the expenditure?
Is a small market survey about advertising effectiveness always necessary before full-fledged advertising campaign?
Do women add value to ads?
What if you are advertising nuts and bolts?
It has been Advertising is the key part of business and marketing.
These are some small questions that I have raised about advertising in business. Please think about the answers. Ads is tricky, because wrong advertising means total loss. There is no scrap left to recover anything. It is like a bad dream, but it costs. A business succeeds if the ads succeeds at the right budget. Please try some more quizzes on your personality and career and improve your performance manifold.
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