AffordaShare Health Insurance Alternative
AffordaShare is open to all people regardless of religious beliefs, race or nationality. The primary purpose of AffordaShare is to bear the burden of its members medical cost by utilizing the pool of resources provided by its membership. The secondary purpose of AffordaShare is to help financially support local charities and other non-profit organizations as we are able to do so.
We provide an alternative way for you to pay for your medical needs. AffordaShare was created combining the best features of health insurance with the best features of a faith based health share organization. This combination, created a simple, straightforward, affordable method of helping our members pay for their needed medical services and treatment. Feel free to reach out by phone, email or fill out the contact form below. We are happy to go over your options with you to find the best options for you.
Contact Information:
Google +:
Phone #: (317) 431-7541