Aveda Fredric's Institute
The cosmetology and esthetics programs offered at the Aveda Fredric’s Institute in Indianapolis go above and beyond most other schools. Our curriculum teaches twice the techniques of the leading beauty textbooks. We believe in a whole beauty approach and offer our students many ways to network with the real salons and spas in the Indianapolis area. By taking this approach our cosmetology students are able to get out into the workforce and begin their own career right away. We have students that go into all aspects of the beauty industry from skin, nails, and hair. We offer make-up courses as well as various hair skills to our students. If it makes you beautiful, we want our students to know how to do it. We take the time to professionally teach them the various skills and have a student salon where they fine-tune these skills on real clients.
Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX
Employee: 30
Year: 2005